Wish Farms Strawberries

Growing fresh strawberries has been the focus of our family business for over 80 years. In order to meet our high-quality standards, each Wish Farms strawberry is handpicked and packed in the field at peak ripeness.

Strawberries are packed with beneficial nutrients like vitamin C, fiber, potassium, vitamin B and magnesium. With approximately 83 calories per cup, this super fruit serves as a healthy treat any time of day.

When choosing the perfect package of sweet strawberries, be sure to look for berries that are:

  • Stored in a refrigerated display case in the produce department
  • Strawberries with a bright even red color
  • Fresh with unwilted leaves (calyx)
  • Strawberries clean and in a dry container
  • Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside. Each strawberry has about 200 of them!
  • Strawberries do not continue to ripen after they are picked. We always do our best to pick our strawberries at their optimal ripeness so, pick yours at their best, too!
  • Wish Farms harvests several different strawberry varieties based on the season and growing region. Some varieties are a lighter or darker shade of red. Some are dense in the center and some are hollow and light inside. The tips above will help you select the freshest strawberries.
  • It takes about 21 days for one bloom on a strawberry plant to become a ripe berry!
  • Strawberries varieties are bred through traditional techniques. There are no GMO strawberries.
$32.00 Full-Flat (8 Individual Containers)
$20.00 Half-Flat (4 Individual Containers)

Online processing fees included.

How To Make An Order?

  • 1. Enter Students Full Name

    First and last name is required.

  • 2. Enter School Name

    School or organization name is required.

  • 3. Select your size strawberry container

    Two Options: Full Flat (8 qts) or 1/2 Flat (4 qts)

  • 4. Add Quantity

    How many Flats would you like?

  • 5. Place Order

    Can use PayPal account, credit or debit card.

  • 6. Receive your order & enjoy

    Delivery will be to the school on Wednesday 2/24 or Thursday 2/25. Program sponsor will have final details.

Have Any Questions?

Call us!

(865) 919-8422

Order Form

  • $0.00